The last week of school is always full of crazy schedules and special events. This year I got to go to the 8th grade pool party on Tuesday. The weather turned out to be beautiful which made it a perfect day. I got to play tennis with some of the kids and just enjoy hanging out with them in a different setting. I also really like the 8th grade team, they are so fun to be around and we spend most of the time laughing...
Yesterday was our last day with kids; it is always a fun day filled with games, and year book signings, and of course middle school girls DRAMA!!! We always have plenty of staff vs. student games including three legged races, tug-of-war, and volley ball games. The last hour and a half of the day is spent with all the kids in the cafeteria signing year books and 8th grade girls balling their eyes out.... and this year was no different. It always amazes me that all year long the kids can hardly wait to bust out of the building at the bell, but on the last day we have to kick them out and herd them to the buses.
Even though I am excited to be done with the year, I will miss some of my kids ... Jenna, Amber, Celia, Currey, Dena, Katy (though I will see her regularly since Madison is attached at the hip to her sister Emma), Alex, Jacob, Skyler... just to name a few of the great kids I had for the past two years. I am sure they will be successful in HS, and I expect to see great things from them in the future. I trust in GOD that I have been what these students needed... a mom, friend, mentor, someone to listen, someone to correct, someone that cares, or someone just to be consistent in their lives. I can only trust that what I have planted in their lives will be watered by someone else, and harvested later.
It has been a tradition for years for the staff to "wave" to the kids as the buses pull away. It is a fun way to let the kids at least think we are going to miss them when really we are waving because we are even more excited than the kids to be on summer break... :)
So here is to a great year, and an even better summer!!!
Learned: Time flies not only when you are having fun, but when you are working hard... (but I did have fun teaching this year...)
1 comment:
Congrats! Even though I am not at school, I am helping out with 5th grade continuation and I can still tell that I will be just as excited to tell them all farewell. So my end doesn't come until Monday this next week. But we're almost there!
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