Sunday we finished the last game of our soccer season. It has truly been an adventure one in which the girls have developed some tremendous skill, learned a lot more than soccer, and we (parents and girls) have become a close knit family. Along the way I couldn't see past the end of the season or possibly the end of this team, but coach kept telling us that things always change, that kids become interested in different activities and families move away, but I kept thinking this wouldn't happen to our team.
But 4 girls are leaving us... 2 moving away, and 2 choosing something different... I am so concerned for the future of the team... how can anyone replace those that are leaving... how will those that do replace them on the team fill the space left in the happy family? I think I am more concerned about it than Madison, I guess that is good...
Early before the morning game on Sunday (possibly our last game together) coach sent an email to the girls... I copied it and will use it in Madison's Soccer scrap book but wanted to save it somewhere else too so here it is...
Well ladies, we are at the end. The end of a year that has seen a group of little girls become young athletes. Athletes that have had much success on the field while learning how to work as a team with team goals in mind and not those of individuals. We have had girls that can score, while others use any part of their bodies to stop goals. Others who have stopped attackers and others who have made the passes leading to goals. Each player has done what it takes to achieve success.
Take away all the wins, and this team has achieved great success off the field as well. You are all outstanding students with many interestes away from the field and that brings as much happiness to my heart as anything could. I love soccer, but what you learn from the sport is far more important then what the score was in any particular game. You are learning what it take to be a good team member, thinking of your teammates before yourselves. This is a character trait that will serve you well in life.
I can never express myself well enough to each of you in the joy I have felt this year as your coach. This team has been my relief from life, a time to come out to the field at night and enjoy a pure love and respect for the game I love. You have all become my girls, no matter where we go through the years, you will always have my heart.
As I have said, this team will change, it will never be the same. Families are moving, some girls will play for other teams next year but, we will always be able to look back and remember the great season the Grand Junction Fire FC U11 Girls Premier Team had.
I am writing this before the last games of the season, not knowing what the out come of today's games will be and really it isn't important. What is important is that you will know in a matter of a few hours that you each gave your best to become the best you could be at this time of your life's. You will all become better! Better players, students, young women, college students, wife's, mom's, soccer coaches and grand parents at some time of your life's. I have done my job if I have helped at all during the this process.
The subject line states, "At the End". Really this is just the beginning. The beginning of a new point in your life. An exciting time of change and continued growth. I wish all the happiness in your life and we all move forward. Thank you again for all you have given to me.
Your Coach,
Learned: Considering change is always difficult, I will choose to believe coach, that this is really just the beginning. It has been an outstanding soccer season, with many vitories, most of which came off the field.
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