This has been one windy spring! This picture was taken earlier in the month of May, and here we are almost to the end and the wind is still blowing! And this is no gentle breeze, but strong gusts that blow you sideways, move the car while driving, or could possibly carry you away while flying your kite...
Last weekend at the tournament the wind blew so hard that any ball kicked into the wind it would land almost behind the kicker, and if you kicked it with the wind it would sail way beyond its intended target...
....and it is still blowing, which makes it nice (kind of) to have the windows open until the window shades come crashing down! And it is also kind of nice since it keeps it cooler, until it gets too warm and we want to get the swamp cooler going but I don't really want my husband to be blown off the roof...
Since I have got to enjoy the fun the wind brings (kite flying, airing out the house), I am now officially DONE with the wind and all the nasty stuff it picks up with it and delivers directly to my eyes and lungs!
Learned: Wind (at least this non-stop blow me sideways wind) gets on my nerves and makes me cranky, but I do love the joy of flying kites my son got to experience...
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