We headed out of town a little later than planned because Madison had two indoor soccer games on Sat. After the games we took the kids to the in laws and headed out of town. We always take the scenic way to Moab, it is so pretty to drive, and I honestly think it takes the same amount of time.
On the drive out of town I was in awe of the desert! It was completely covered in glistening white snow! It looked like the arctic tundra, not the Utah desert! I tried to get a pic, but we had left our good (big and heavy) camera at home, and I couldn't get one that did it justice!
We stopped at Fisher Towers and went for a hike. The day was absolutely beautiful! The sun was shining, no wind, brilliant blue sky a back drop to red sand stone monoliths. It was a great hike, and it was in this moment that I was reminded of what I actually think is romantic. If I had the choice between flowers, chocolate, dinner out, movie, or enjoying the outdoors with Brian I would always choose be be out in God's creation with him.
On our hike we saw some base jumpers, witch was way cool -- and very illegal!
Then we headed into Moab and checked into the hotel. We thought about a movie, but soon discovered that the theater in town only shows a 1 and 3 matinee on the weekends. So we vegged, and then went to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Pasta Jays. MMM! It was so good, and I ate WAY too much.
The next day we slept in then drove through town, all of the cute shops were closed (the problem with tourist towns in the off season). So we headed back home.
When we got back into town we went to a movie before we picked up the kids. We figured that just because we were home didn't mean our adult weekend had to end.
It was a great low key, super relaxing, much needed husband and wife weekend. The quiet atmosphere of Moab was a perfect get away.
(I have some more pics, but they are lost on my camera, I will add them when they reappear.
Learned? We need to not way so long that I can't remember the last time we got away together, before we do it again.
1 comment:
cute picture! i love you guys
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