I quit forcing my self to try and sleep and got out of bed at 8:00 to run. I was totally dragging butt, but at least I got up and out. It was a good way to start 2009.
Christmas Eve we went to my mom's and sledded in the field behind her house. Brian was working but made it over in time for dinner. My mom made a scrumptious prime rib, roasted potatos, yorkshire pudding, and yummy green beans. My Grandma Barron and aunt Penny were there to and it was a very enjoyable evening. I took some great pictures, but they have somehow been lost...
Christmas morning we spent here with the kids. Maddox was so cute, he would open one present and then play with it for a while then come back to open the next present. Madison got cowboy boots that she has been wanting, she still really wants us to get land so she can ge a horse.
We headed to Brian's parents house about 9:00 for the Caster Christmas Breakfast. It is a mad house. Both of Brian's grand parents were there along with his siblings. It was my niece Myla's first Christmas, so it was pretty special. Every year I am amazed that so many presents fit in one room, they literally spill our from beneath the tree several feet into the living room leaving just enough room to sit on the couches. Amy made a tastey breakfast of eggs, hashbrowns, waffles, breakfast burritos...yummm!
Christie, Dillon's girlfriend, and I came back to our house to watch Mamma Mia! Then the rest of my family came home, the boys took a nap and Madison and I watched a movie.
For Christmas night we headed to my dads house for dinner. My dad got the kids a little 4wheeler, and sent them on a scavenger hunt to find it. It was a big hit, though difficult to drive on the ice packed driveway.
All in all it was a great holiday season.
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