Day 1 Friday: The longest day of all - he was moved from ER to and MRI to Surgery and finally to ICU. Facial lacerations were stitched up, he remained stable and sleeping most of the day.
Day 2 Saturday: Consisted of getting his oxygen levels stabilized. They had to use a trumpet (large tube stuck into nostril) to keep an air way open and avert sleep apnea. He began markedly improving once he was able to sleep with out being woken up because he couldn't breath. Did an x-ray at 60 degrees and later did another at 90 degrees, both while sitting in his bed. He was needing to take some pills and was trying to take them himself, further proof of how determined he is.
Day 3 Sunday: Continued improvement in the swelling and coloration of his face. Rested a lot. They took him to radiology in his bed, then moved him to a wheel chair for a sitting x-ray. He once again showed us his determination to get better by trying to get out of bed and get into a wheel chair when told they were taking him down stairs for an x-ray, though he didn't fight it when they told him to stay put and would take him down in his bed. The progression of x-rays are to determine how stable his C-2 fracture is and if surgery is necessary.
Day 4 Monday: Dad was alert and interacting a lot more today. My brother Nate made it over from Denver for the day, and this seemed to lift dad's spirits a lot. Dad stood and took his first steps - with a walker and support from the PT. He had us all in laughs when he stood and asked " where's the machine" meaning the x-ray - he had assumed it was time for his standing x-ray, and when the PT told him he would have to go down stairs for that my dad just slid his eyes to the PT and said "F-You" and he didn't mince his words when asked how standing felt- he replied "Like Shit!" Fortunately his ornery smirk could be seen at the corner of his lips, and we all knew dad was still dad. The whole process of standing, walking and returning to the bed was quite painful and wore him out quickly, he slept the rest of the evening. They started weening him off of his pain meds today.
My brother Nate and I concealing our laughter at Dad's comments, while Nik had to leave because he couldn't contain his laughter.
Before I left the hospital today, dad did is best to give me a hug and kiss. I told him how strong he was and how much he improves every day. His response was to do a little jig in bed - moving his arms like he was dancing... I told him I'd bring the XBox tomorrow so he could play Dance Dance Revolution- got a huge smile.
Day 5 Tuesday: More progress, dad got up and walked again, made it downstairs (took him down in his bed since he had already walked a few steps) for his standing x-ray, ate mashed potatoes and gravy. He slept more restless last night probably due to decrease in pain meds- he was complaining of his neck hurting and being stiff. They took his collar off and cleaned up his chin and neck a bit.
I am amazed at his progress in just 5 days.
1 comment:
Oh Brooke! Praise God he is ok and improving every day!
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