Day 1: Thankful for beautiful weather that allows us to run in tanks and
shorts though it's November in Colorado.
Day 2: Nov. 2: Today I'm thankful that I have the right to vote and for the
short lines at early voting!
Day 3: I am thankful for amazing news!!! Just received news that my good
friend from Denver is moving back!
Day 4: Today I'm thankful for the whole extra hour of uninterrupted reading
time due to Day Light Savings!
Day 5: I am thankful for my friend Allison, who has demonstrated what it is
to trust God, and inspires me regularly to do so myself.
Day 6: I am thankful for the individual time I got to spend with each of my
kids today. It never seems to happen often enough, so I cherish the spare hour
every once in a while.
Day 7: Today I am thankful for the Word of God, that give peace and births
Day 8: I am thankful for family dinners. Even if Maddox wiggles so much the
bolts on his chair are loose and Madison dominates the conversation with middle
school drama though insisting she's not in the drama scene. I love that we are
all together, talking and sharing our day.
Day 9: Today I am thankful for an amazing teaching partner. We work so well
together and have SO much fun traveling to conferences all over the country!
Next up our own backyard, Denver!!! Hope you have a fabulous birthday riding
the rim in your tutu!!!
Day 10: I'm thankful alone time during retail therapy today.
Day 11: I am thankful to have an amazing partner in this journey called
parenthood. My husband is an excellent example to both of our children of what
a man/husband/father should be- hard working provider, protective, and selfless
to name a few. I pray that Maddox will grow to be a great man like his dad, and
Madison will find one of his caliber to share her life with.
Day 12: I am so thankful for my friend Anne! She encourages me in my life
with prayer and scripture. She can tell me things that are difficult to hear
and know we will both be better for it. She is the best running partner (one
that is completely ok with skipping a run when life gets crazy OR because we
would rather pop open a bottle of wine and start cooking together). Thank you
Anne for your amazing friendship.
Day 13(only 5hours late): I am thankful to have made it to Denver safely,
for the hysterical laughter in the way over, an incredible view of the city
from or 31st floor room, 5 days of conference attending, 5 nights if city life,
and 120+ hours of no responsibilities. (Man I'm going to miss my family by
weeks end.)
Day 14: I am thankful for good company to debrief the massive amounts in
information we received today, all over French Martinis.
Day 16: I am thankful for the birth of a beautiful new life, Oslin
Sandoval, came in to the world today, becoming Vycci and Danny’s 4th
child and another Sandoval life that I have the honor of being a part of.
Day 17: I'm thankful for a lovely girls night out with my sister in law.
She picked me up in her new car ;) and took me to dinner and desserts that were
so delicious she got caught licking the plate! Love you and I'm so thankful for
our great conversation, love you Krick!
Day 18: I'm thankful that my husband endures live sporting events for me.
(B forgot a hat, so he's thankful for the rally towels they were handing out at
the gates.) I think I'll spare him further embarrassment and go buy him a new
Day 19: I am blessed beyond measure, abundantly thankful, and blissfully
happy to have Brian as my husband. Happy birthday to my my best friend, and
favorite person to live life with. I love you!
Day 20: I'm thankful for modern conveniences, especially a heated home, and
running hot water. Think I'll go take advantage of it with a nice soak and book.
Day 21: I am thankful for a house full of family, children laughing,
running, and playing, and most of all that we get to share the day together. Happy Thanksgiving 2012.
1 comment:
Love this...I think we should all do this more frequently in our lives. On a particular difficult day for me of saying goodbye to my friends and work, it reminded me of all the things I have to be thankful for...and getting to move back to a place I love, with good friends already in tact. :)
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