So why not just get rid of them, or even just one of them? I don't seem all that attached, right? It seems like a completely logical and easy decision.
At least this is what I thought until one of them gets sick, like really sick. Labored breathing, hacking, lethargic, and the tell tell sign - not eating. The dog who tells time by when his food bowl should be filled won't eat. Of course I took him to the vet yesterday, they checked him out, made sure he didn't have heart worm, and gave him some antibiotics, a bronchial-dilator, and anti-inflammatory. I headed home with a renewed sense of hope, he would soon be on the mend.
Last nigh I laid with him just so he wouldn't be alone, but his extremely labored breathing was so reminiscent of my own during an asthma attack, and all I could do was weep, the fear and panic I feel during an attack must be horrible for him - not knowing what is wrong.
Then again this morning he wouldn't eat. We kept him inside out of the heat, and calm. I was expecting to come home to a markedly improved dog, but when I got home he coughed up blood. Of course the vet was out of the office by that time, so he goes in first thing in the morning.
All evening I have just sat and brushed, and snuggled, and cried with worry for him. Who would have though that below all that indifference I feel - or thought I felt - for these dogs, that I actually care this much, that I actually LOVE them.
This overwhelming, heart wrenching, tear jerking emotion has caught me completely off guard. I tolerated, and most of the time even like these furry boys, but this is just so completely unexpected. To love an animal so much that I spend the night laying next to and comforting them, and sobbing tears, pleading with God to make him be ok. It's surprising to say the least.
Tonight I just hope his sleep is peaceful, that we make it till the morning, and that tomorrow they will know what is wrong with him.
Learned: Something new about myself, behind this cold hard indifferent exterior is an animal lover at heart.
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