Currently contemplating running this...

Pros: Can you say "sea level", I could stop with that...but there is more: we are already at a great base to start our official training, we have 11 weeks (plenty of time), perfect weather, no training in the heat of the summer as the race is the beginning of June, elevation is gradually down hill from 250 ft to 0 ft. Girls trip or family trip, it would be a blast, the course ends at Sea World, then San Diego Zoo, and LEGO land, and a trip to the beach sounds like a great family trip.
Cons: Cost, its $135 IF we register before the end of the month then it goes up another $10. And of course travel cost either plane or by car, and hotel for several days, and eating out. Then there is soccer try outs that are from May 28- June 1, still waiting to hear when Madison's try out dates are.
So there you have it... Should we stay or should we go?
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