I have been in a season of drought...not one where I withered in my faith in God, but in my relationship with Him. Many of the teachings I was taught, and so eagerly believed, have left me jaded, cold, dry.
The truths, that I have clung to: God is good, He loves me, Jesus paid the price of my death so that I may live forever in the presence of God, are the underground rivers that have sustained me.
For a while now I have felt winds of change stirring the dried soil, seen glimpses of mirages of well watered lands, heard whispers of rain storms on distant planes... the rains are coming.
The first rains to wet my tongue... a friend to show me what TRUE faith is, being faithful even as she was drug to the gates of hell, she is at now the climax of her story, and God is faithful.
Realizing that I am to partake in a great story of my own, one not promised to be free of pain and challenges, though given a guarantee of a happy ending, for God is the master story teller... cool waters soothing my parched lips.
The swollen river banks... continual revelation of the intricate design, attention to detail, and great care, to which I (and the world around me) were created.
My soul speaks out with rumbling thunder "I want to know You... I want to know You..." to a God I thought I knew.
In every direction clouds hang heavy, pregnant, distended, ready to drench the soil below...The first of the rains are beginning to fall... and I am ready.

What a great post Brooke. It spoke to my heart and soul so much I had to read it twice. :)
Love you.
How sweet your words are to a mothers heart!
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