January you have been a bit cruel to me... so with only one day left, I'd like to say good riddance and please be sure to take the following with you on your way out!
My injured foot...Early last week after running 5 miles on the treadmill, my foot hurt... like really hurt... it hurt to walk. So I took some alieve and went to bed. The next morning I felt great, wore my high heals to work and had NO pain at all, in fact I had almost forgotten about the injury until later that night when I put on my running shoes to go for another run...OUCH! So I took the rest of the week off, felt great, no pain. I got up Saturday morning to run 10 miles with Anne and Lisa. I had an alternative plan in case I started hurting again, but I ran the entire 10 miles and felt great... until I got out of the car at home and I could barely walk. Then Brian made me stick my whole foot in a bucket of ice water for 20 minutes with a promise it would help...and here I sit on Sunday with an extremely sore foot, barely able to walk, and not to mention possible nerve damage from the freezing cold water (ok, that last part is a bit of an exaggeration...). The worst part is I am 7 weeks out from the half marathon and feeling panicked...so January, PLEASE take this with you when you go.
Secondly... take the rashes, and hives, and the molluscum contageosum that have appeared on my boys skin. The rashes and hives are from a virus and make him quite itchy. I am sure the m.c. is from wrestling, and it won't be the last of the wrestlers curse we see, but you did not have to see the disappointment in my son when the Dr. said he couldn't wrestle. He got so mouthy and rude to me because he didn't know how else to express his own disappointment. Then he cried in the car on the way home (just a little when he didn't think mom was looking). Even the promise of wrestling with dad couldn't cheer him.
Thirdly, and the worst of them all... take the sorrow and questions about the death of my student...it is just too much to bare. All I can think about is what her parents are going through, I can not even imagine the pain the loss of a child brings. I keep having dreams about my own children getting lost, kidnapped, murdered... and that is a terrible feeling to wake up to, but at least mine are still safely sleeping in their beds.
January, I hope that the next time we meet, it is on better circumstances...
1 comment:
Hope February is better. I'm sorry to hear about your student. Let's talk soon. I hope your foot heals in time.
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