We took another trip with my mom and Dan to Ridgeway. Maddox got even more brave on the tube and tried standing up and jumping on it. Of course we weren't going too fast. His bravery ended when the tube began to dive under water with him still on it. Madison is a pro at riding this thing, and we just can't seem to throw her anymore.
Allison and I got rained out on our last trip to the lake so we opted to run all over the valley with 4 kids collecting veggies to prep for the winter. It was a great day complete with picking our own green beans in bare feet the mud squishing through our toes.

Madison started her first day of middle school. Her and her BFF went shopping for their first day of school outfits. She is loving it and doing so well.
We had the first soccer games of the season in Colorado Springs and Greeley. The girls played well winning 2-0 and tieing 3-3 which was a great comeback since they were down 2 nothing at the half. The girls had a great time at their team dinner, and Maddox got to spend time with his favorite teen too! The great trip was cut short when one of our team mates was run off the road and flipped their car. Thanks be to GOD they are ok, just banged up, but their car wasn't so lucky.

I managed to read a few books too.
A Million Miles was one of those books that you need/want to read multiple times to get all the meat out of it. It is one that has the power to change you, to inspire you to make a better life, to live a better story. I have never marked up a book (except my Bible) so much, I have many thoughts that I need to just get written down but will have to do that later.
The Mockingjay is the final book in the Hunger Games. I have LOVED this series, it is one that engulfs me. It touches so well on the paradoxes of the human life. When I read a book, especially the finally in a series, I want to be surprised and held captive till the very end, and then when it is over I want the story to still consume me, and I was not disappointed!
The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas was not what I was expecting it to be, but it was an emotional roller coaster. The rise of Hitler and his devastating reign of power has always been an interesting period of history for me. I have been and continue to be baffled that one person can be so instrumental in the desecration of a group of people. The most thought provoking piece of this book is the author never uses the name Hitler, or the name Auschwitz, but you know the setting, but it could just as easily be any other country where genocide has rippled through, or if we are not careful the seeds of hate could bring here.
Learned? Preserving food is easier than I thought, I am still completely captivated by a good book, and I am blessed with great kids who love life and everything it has to offer.
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