I ended up being sick the very first few days of break with a terrible head cold that improved but lingered... I felt so tired and lethargic which might be why I didn't get much done. I finally went to the doc's today and have a sinus infection. So with some powerful antibiotics I should fell better in a few days.
I was hoping to go skiing or playing in the snow a few days but we didn't get that done. (maybe tomorrow)
I was hoping to kick some major fat booty and work out/run really hard during this break but only got one session in. During that session I felt like I was going to die -- like I have never worked out a day in my life! (probably due to the stupid infection)
Even though I didn't do everything I wanted, we did do a lot in addition to all the typical holiday stuff.
Madison went skiing with some friends in Telluride the first weekend, my mom and I went to lunch and shopping one afternoon, I took the kids to the theater, went and got pedicures with Madison and our friends, I got a few hours to visit with Allison while our kids played in the snow, and of course played with our Christmas toys, read, and watched movies.
The biggest event was my youngest brother's wedding on New Years Eve. It was a nice wedding with a relaxed reception. Madison was the flower girl in their wedding so the majority of the day was devoted to this event. When she was all dressed and ready she looked so beautiful and grown up. The best part of her "outfit" was she wore her polk-a-dot converse with her dress, it was so cute, so her!
We got home from the wedding at a decent time, so my other brother and his girlfriend watched our kids so we could go out. Brian and I rang in the new year at Beau and Crystals this year and got to see Keenon and Zeph as well as some other friends that we usually only see every once in a great while. It was a nice evening filled with lots of laughs and fun conversations.
Now I am sitting on the sofa with my hubby spending one of my final days of vacation watching (and enjoying every minute of it) college bowl games while contemplating the pizza and wings we really want to order for dinner....I think resolutions can start on Monday!
Learned: Time flies when you are having fun, even if the fun is not the fun you had hoped for.
1 comment:
It always goes by too fast, but I have to admit it, fun or not, break has gone by too fast for me this year. And while you may not think you did as much as you wanted to, it sounds as though you maintained a fairly busy schedule for 2 weeks. Glad to hear and see that the wedding went well. Happy New Year. Enjoy your weekend and best of luck returning to school. Love ya!
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