Is it possible that a book could show people that what unites them is more than what divides them? Geraldine Brooks weaves an intriguing tale of an ancient Jewish manuscript and its survival through centuries of antisemitism, the rise and fall of the Nazi regime, the bombings of Sarajevo, and even a modern day heist and all the people who played a part of its history. The secrets the book holds choose to reveal them selves to the books restorer a native Australian, who discovers who she really is while restoring one of the largest profile books of her career.
I really enjoyed the historical journey this tale led me on. Geraldine balanced true historical facts and fictional characters in a believable captivating way. I just had trouble stayingwith it, it wasn't a book that I longed for or would choose to read over a TV show, so I give it a rating of 2.5.
Learned: I knew I loved books for a reason, they often tell a tale that is much more interesting than the words they contain.
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