Today I took the day off to take care of Madison, who came home sick from school yesterday. And what a great day to stay home! If felt like spring and it is only the beginning of February.
I thought Madison might be able to go to school today, so I got up at 5:00, did an exercise video, and got ready for work. When she got up, she looked pale and rosy cheeked, and had a fever, so I ran into work to get plans together for a sub.
Once I was finally home we all ran over to the video store and rented some movies, and grabbed a few groceries for lunch. Finally we settled in on the couch, Maddox in my room, and watched a movie. Then we all took a great nap!
When we got up it was absolutely beautiful out side, so the boy and I headed out to do some yard work, while Madison relaxed on the couch. Maddox helped me clean out the flower beds in front (something that needed to be done early fall). It looks so great now. Little tiny green nubs are poking through the dirt, a promise of some beautiful spring flowers.
Then we went and played in the back yard, swinging in the swing, and digging in the sand box. We were able to play in the yard wearing only light jackets till 5:00 when the shadows slid over the fence.
When Brian got home I just couldn't pass up a fair weather run, so I headed out. It was so nice to run outside with out being bundled up and breathing icy air. I got in a great 4 mile run in less than 36 min! Yeah!
Learned? This warm weather makes me eager for spring, but it is awful early to be getting this warm and makes me concerned for our local produce and fruit trees!
1 comment:
Good for you. I feel like I can hardly enjoy anything with all the craziness. but I did come home a little earlier than normal twice last week. The kids played outside and one night, I cleaned up dog poop as an anniversary present to Danny. Very romantic don't you think. But it was nice to enjoy the nice weather. We are coming this weekend. Can't wait to see you. Oh yeah, by the way...great job keepingup with your blogging! I can't seem to find the time. Hopefully, I can get back in the routine again.
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