Today she slept in till almost 8:00, which at our house is sleeping in really late. Then requested pancakes, I got really creative and made them in the shapes of ones and zeros, corny I know but she liked it... Then we let her open one of her presents early because she had been hoping to get if for Christmas. She got the movie "Get Smart" and we all watched it.
Then we got out of our pj's and took a girls trip to go shopping. This of course included every ten year olds favorite store, Clair's, where she got a new ipod cover and wallet.
Every year Madison helps me make her cake, I have pictures from when she was two, and every subsequent year of this tradition (unfortunately the majority of them occurred before the digital camera era-wow how much has changed in ten years). This year we made brownies instead of a cake. The family came over to enjoy the treats, and of course spoil her even more. She got some new clothes, scrap booking supplies,a ski trip, new sled for her upcoming cabin trip, and a BB gun. She has been really wanting a BB gun so we decided to let her have one.
Madison's dog, Ranger, shares her birthday too, so we of course couldn't leave him out, and got him a massive bone to enjoy. This picture shows just how much they love each other and how close they are.
It was a really great day spent with an amazing girl. She is growing up way too fast, and it is difficult for her momma!
Learned? So many things change in 10 years, and most of the time I don't feel any different than I did 10 years ago, but today it is impossible to ignore the fact that I am aging... I have a ten year old!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Madison! I SO can't believe it was 10 years ago that you were born.
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