Madison spent the last week at Camp Redcloud, just outside of Lake City Colorado. We had been planning for her and a soccer friend for the last few months, and both of them were so excited. The family drove up on Father's Day to drop her off. It was especially fun for Brian and I because we had gone there when we were in middle school, oh about 18 years ago!!! It had changed quite a bit, there were several newer bunk houses (when we went there were only 2, a boys and a girls) The bunk houses were even temperature regulated (when we went heat was provided by a wood burning stove). Once we got the girls settled, they were ready to be on their own, they walked us back to the trucks, then headed off for a week of fun with out even a look back. Maddox was pretty upset and ran after them, crying "Sister, Sister!" It was pretty heart wrenching. The trip was 6 hours round trip, and Maddox did amazingly well on the drive.
When we headed home Madison's friend's parents decided to try a different rout home and headed over Cinnamon Pass to Silverton in a MINI VAN. We decided to be a bit less adventurous and return the way we came. This ended up being the best choice because Cinnamon Pass is a 4 Wheel drive only road, and it ended up taking our friends almost 6 hours to get home. They didn't make it over the pass and had to turn around an hour up the mountain. It is a priceless picture thinking of a 4wheeling mini van with a soccer ball sticker on the rear!
The week with out Madison went pretty fast. Maddox and I just hung out, went to the park, and swam in the backyard pool. We all really missed her.
Friday Ann (Madison's friend's mom) and I drove up to get the Gris. When we pulled into the parking lot and got out we could see our girls jumping up and down at the camp, and heard them squeal with excitement. They were so happy to see us. They talked a hundred miles an hour, detailing their adventure. They got to go rappelling, on a high ropes course, an over night camp trip under the stars, summit the continental divide, boating, mountain biking, and both of their favorites, horse back riding. Madison is already eager to go again next year!
Within 15 minutes of the leaving, both of the girls were zonked out in the back. I mean zonked as in heads rolling on rubber necks and mouths open.
I am so glad that Madison got to go on such a fun adventure this summer. I think that she learned a lot about being responsible. No parents around reminding to take showers, brush teeth, pick up after yourself, or to make sure your day pack was packed appropriately. She also made new friends, and has already written letters to some of them.
Learned? This trip makes it even more apparent how grown up my daughter is becoming.
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