YEAH! I accomplished my goal of running, and finishing, the BoulderBOULDER 10K on Memorial day. I also met my other goal of running it with less than a 10 minute mile average. I ran it with a 9.2 min. mile average. Here are my official race results. I am very pleased with my results. From what I figured I ended up in the top 22% of all racers, the top 20% of females my age, and the top 15%of all women. Two of my miles, mile four and five, were just a few seconds above 9 minutes, at 9:09, and 9:03. My overall time was 57:55:71.
My mom, Dan, and I all stayed at my mom's uncle Bill's house in Louisville, just outside of Boulder on Sunday night. We got up early and Bill drove us to Boulder. I was amazed at how organized the whole event was. There was a whole highway set up for runner drop off. Then you found your wave number along the roadside, and they marched you like a parade to the starting line. The first wave started at 7:00, the wave I was in started at 7:32:20. When you got to the starting line there was a person that played the song that is played at the beginning of the horse races; when I heard this I busted out laughing, because it summed up the feeling of the moment. When the gun shot off, off we went. It took my mom and I a while to wind through the people in the wave, but in no time we had some "knee" room to run. The course was great, it wound through some subdivisions, downtown, and then you rand into Folsom Field Stadium (where the CU Buffs play). All along the course there were musicians including The Blues Brothers, and Elvis, and lots of people cheering you on. Some houses had slip and slides out, and runners would stop for a minute and slide (too cold for me, plus it may have slowed me down). There were plenty of elevation changes making it more of a challenge for me than when I run 6 miles here. I now know what I need to work on to improve for next year!
The weather was pretty cool, as in cold, but excellent for running. It seemed to get colder and colder as the race progressed, and by the end I was sweaty, it was raining, and I soon became chilled to the bone. When you finish the race you get a goody bag, free soda, and get this, FREE BEER! It made me sick to even think of drinking a beer at 8:30 in the morning after a run, but lots of people were! There were also a ton of vendors giving out free stuff, like vitamins, popsicles, jerky, ect., but it was way too cold to go through all of them. When the racers are finished they have a big Memorial Day celebration in the stadium, with fly overs and everything, but again it was too cold to try and brave that. Instead we headed to a Starbucks to warm up inside and out! Bill picked us up there, and we headed back to his house.
We ended the trip with a family BBQ at his house. My family, my brother and his wife and daughter, my mom and Dan, and Bill and his wife Janette, had a great time!
I have some great pics of the event and will post them some time later.
Learned? It feels so great to work so hard towards a goal and to complete it with such great success. I can't wait to run another race....
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